KikScore’s interview with John

KikScore, an online trust scoring service, interviewed me recently about my experience with Marketade and my advice for small businesses.  They’ve just posted the interview on their blog, under the generous title “Turning Sites into Gold.” Thanks to Raj and Brad from...

Lean startup article from NYT

I’ve been going through my “Read Again” articles folder this week and was glad I’d held on to this NY Times piece from last year on “The Rise of the Fleet-Footed Start-Up“.  It discusses the efforts of Eric Ries and Steven Blank to encourage more “lean start-ups.”...

Form vs. function: a false choice

Good web design uses visual elements to enhance ease-of-use (usability) first, while being pleasing to the eye and conveying an appropriate personality second. In many years of detailed metrics analysis and testing, we have seen that trendier or more visually creative...

How to write online

For our upcoming newsletter I’ve written an article on How to Write for the Web, which I’ve just posted on our site.  Here’s the intro … Every week or so, I get an email from someone seeking recommendations for a social media coordinator, an...

Wired on feedback loops

Speaking of good articles in Wired … last week I really enjoyed this piece on the power of feedback loops.  The concept isn’t new but he offers some fun examples of new products built around the idea of loops.  I may try out the Zeo headband for sleep...